Saturday, September 8, 2007

Look What I Can Do!!!

Hey!!! Another craft project!!! Anyone out there watch MadTV? Stuart always says "Look What I Can Do?" and I love using that--silly huh???
Anyhoo--as if I don't have enought irons in the fire, I took mosaic tile classes locally this summer. I've always wanted to do something like this, and yes, I know it can be self taught, and is relatively easy to do, but if I don't purposely go and attend a specific time & place to work on things they just become more "stuff" I acquire!!
I absolutely LOVE working tile--it's very stress relieving--breaking and clipping pieces! And I tend to like to "free form" objects. I've never been too good at following rules--I like to see where the mood takes me!!
So, like them? I can't wait to do more--especially the inexpensive glass containers that flowers arrive in. So Mr. G--send more flowers!!!

1 comment:

Kari (GrannySkywalker) said...

These are awesome! I've done a little bit of mosiac here and there. Wish I could do more, but I always seem to get caught up in doing something else. I've really got to learn how to FOCUS. But...I probably never will.

I'm from Oklahoma - although I live in Texas right now. I miss Oklahoma quite a bit. My dad lives in Midwest City (by Tinker Air Force Base) so I still get to go home every now and again. My first husband was from a tiny little town about 30 or 40 minutes south of OKC (I was a city girl and Washington, Oklahoma was a culture shock for me! lol).

By the way, found your blog through a comment you left on Back Porch Musings (I always wonder how new people find my blog whenever they comment so thought I'd tell you, just in case you're the same way!)