You know what I hate more than cleaning house??? A DIRTY HOUSE!!!! I have this raging battle going on within --- I hate, hate, hate to clean house--it takes time that I want to spend doing fun things. But, even more, I hate a dirty house. So, what do I spend my off time from the kitchen doing???? CLEANING---and now I'm into reorganizing. Oh, the time taken away---oh, the dilemma of what to put where, and what to purge! Well, I am finding some really creative ways of making the most of my limited space in the house. And this is such an emotional cleansing!!!
Tomorrow night it's dinner at the house! Both kids & all the family are coming for spaghetti, caesar salad, apple cobbler & homemade rolls! I am so looking forward to sitting round the table, enjoying company of those I love. And, Erin is bringing her mom & dad---hope they aren't overwhelmed by family vibes! We love welcoming newbies to our table. And I particularly love cooking and observing as bellies are filled and laughs roll.
Well, gotta run---the sofa is calling!