Crowns, crowns and more crowns!!! My neice had a sorority sister running for homecoming queen--wanted cookies to hand out as a campaign goodie--and GUESS WHO THEY ASKED TO MAKE THEM!!!
So last Monday & Tuesday am, in between deliveries, we made and frosted these cookies. I don't know if she won or not. But, hey, it was PR right?????
This past week wasn't the nightmare of past weeks, but I did have one 50th anniversary reception and two wedding receptions to deliver food to on Saturday. The anniversary was at 1:00, the first reception at 5:30 and the second at 7:00---miles apart!! Somehow, it was successful!!! Well, the "somehow" was having my sister and mom to help all evening Friday and all day Saturday. And hubby dearest was there the entire time also--doing whatever he was asked. We had to stay at the anniversary event, so hubby finished that up and cleaned up for me while I high-tailed it back to the kitchen to prep and finalize cooking for the other two. One we had hot hors d'oeuvres and one was a three course meal--Chicken Alfredo w/Penne Pasta, Hawaiin Chicken w/Rice Pilaf, Brisket w/BBQ Sauce, two salads, one veg dish and bread. Whew! Am I glad to have that behind me.
I did make an executive decision and am taking not just Monday but Tuesday off also!!! Have already booked for Wed! Somehow I HAVE to get my OWN house cleaned and decorated!!! I look at other homes (as I'm driving around with food to deliver) and LONG for a time to take care of mine!!! So these next two days are it!!! It's now or NEVER!!!
On another note, daughter & family moved into their home. They had been living in an "efficiency garage" for the past 1 1/2 year--Hank has been sleeping in his "toddler" bed next to theirs, and his toys have been in the living room. All their "stuff " has been in storage---needless to say, they feel like freed birds!!! I can't wait to take hubby down to see the final result. Maybe next weekend!!
I read about Tuesday Update's pumpkin chocolate chip muffins. Penny the Queen made them, so now I am going to look up her recipe and make them tonight!!!
Well, blog friends, I MUST get to work on this house. I feel like I have been "out of the loop" with both cyber friends and nearby friends. Like I've been on an island somewhere with a kitchen and food. Which is what I wanted, I just didn't realize that it would "consume" my life!!! And it will til after the first of the year. All the holiday inquiries are coming in, and I have to get letters out to my "regs". So, I'll be checking in now and again. I do, however, take time to read your posts---and I love them sooo much. Keeps me grounded!!!
Have a great week!
Just checked w/Penny the Queen--these looked interesting so I'm adding them: Answer w/one word:
1. Where is your cell phone? Here
2. Where is your significant other? Work
3. Your hair color? Lt brown
4. Your mother? Home
5. Your father? Out & About
6. Your favorite thing? Family
7. Your dream last night? ??
8. Your dream/goal? Be home
9. The room you're in? Living
10. Your hobby? Crafting
11. Your fear? Loss
12. Where do you want to be in 6 years? Home
13. Where were you last night? Home
14. What you're not? Patient
15. One of your wish-list items? No payments
16. Where you grew up? Collinsville
17. The last thing you did? Phone
18. What you are wearing? sleepers
19. Your TV? on
20. Your pet? Cat & dog
21. Your computer? Dell
22. Your mood? Tired
23. Missing someone? Kids
24. Your car? Chevy
25. Something you are not wearing? Bra
26. Favorite store? Bookstore
27. Your summer? Decisive
28. Love someone? Lots
29. Your favorite color? Black
30. When is the last time you laughed? Sunday
31. Last time you cried? ???