Friday, September 14, 2007

Ya Ya Gals

Ok--I'm really take a leap & posting a pic of me & my yaya's (minus one).
This was last year at son's wedding (the one that didn't take), and we are (left - right) Penny, Pam, Laura, Barbara & Carol Ann. OOPPS--two ya ya's missing.
Of course, Pam (me) has a totally different "do" now--think kinda "Posh" & blonde. Anyhoo--these are my pals, my confidants, my sistas, they keep me sane.We always have that much fun & more. We go to eat, laugh loudly, shop, laugh loudly, see movies, laugh loudly, and so forth. We can even fart in front of each other and still have fun!!! I am telling you this is one group of friends like no other. We've been together somewhere around 10 years now, and it gets better and better. We've pulled each other through so much crap, helped with weddings & birthdays, funerals & divorces, whined together, gone out of town together, and we plan on doing lots more through the years. I honestly couldn't bear getting up in the morning if I didn't have this group of soul sistas to lean on!!!

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