I found this fill in and thought I'd do some "lite" posting. I'll answer these "fill ins" and if you want, you can too.
Then later on I'll rant and rave some more!!!
5 Things You Love With Each Of Your Senses:
Smell: Baby powder, cookies baking, new mown grass, new plastic baby dolls, lilacs
Sound: Hank's voice, my son's laugh, my daughter's small voice, a cardinal's twerp, jazz music with no words
Sight: Christmas decorations, my family, sunrise, ocean beaches, a clean house
Touch: my husband's arm around me, my cat's fur, flannel pjs, Hank's arms, clean, warm sheets
Taste: chocolate, Dr Pepper, Pixie Sticks, cool water, hot tea
And those are the things I love with my senses.
Ever thought about that? It's not as easy as it seems. We know what specifics we love, but in generalizations, it's more difficult. And yet, if we lost one of those senses we'd suffer terribly. So, think about what you love with your senses and be grateful for having your full capabilities.
Have a good evening!
1 comment:
very interesting! The pixie sticks made me laugh. I can't remember the last time I had one of those.
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