My name is Pam and I am a tooth grinder---is there a Grinders Anonymous? I grind my teeth in my sleep, when I'm pressured, and sometimes when nothing at all is going on!! If not grinding, then I can sure put a "lock" on my jaw. So anyway, I guess I have been grinding my teeth while sleeping, and now one of my teeth is uber sensitive. It hurts to the touch--it hurts for no apparent reason. So badly that I must take a pain pill daily (and I don't like taking pills, thank you Jefferson Starship).
Let me describe my day yesterday & perhaps you'll join me in a good grind. Hubby called me from the kitchen at 6:15 AM yesterday to let me know the filter on the ice machine had sprung a leak. Water all over the floor--he needed to go on to his "other" job, so I rushed down with the shop vac to sop. When I saw the leak hadn't slowed, I called my father-in-law (bless his heart) who brought his industrial sized shop vac & came to help out. We sopped and mopped til we nearly dropped, then we stopped! I had food to deliver--we sat a pan under the leak and rotated turns emptying it.
Proceed with the morning: I left for a delivery 30 minutes away, Karen left for a delivery 45 minutes away and we left father-in-law to deliver 15 minutes away for a bank board luncheon. As I drove away from my delivery, he called & informed me that the luncheon was not this Thursday, but NEXT Thursday. After calling the gal who scheduled it (and being told, "but I told you in my email"), I just smiled (read gritted my teeth) and told her we'd sure be there next week.
As I pulled into a supply store I looked over and realized I had not taken the hot rolls into the delivery---back to the clinic at break neck speed to get those rolls in. After all, the delivery was for 35 & some of them would have missed the rolls.
So, as I was driving home with the toothache, I broke down & called my dentist's office only to receive a recording that he wouldn't be back in the office til next Monday. Egads!!! Pop another pain pill. No, I won't go to another dentist---I am terrified of them all & this one has "proven" himself to me, so it's him or nobody.
Well, at this point I was as low as a snake's belly and the phone rang. I started to let the voicemail get it and ignore! But being the responsible woman I am, I answered. And I'm glad I did! It was the secretary at the bank telling me the mix-up was indeed her fault & they wanted to go ahead & purchase the food for an ill employee! Somehow, things always work out. Somehow the silver lining shows up just before the trigger is pulled--ha ha.
And that, my dear friends, is why I am a tooth grinder. Not an organ grinder, which has no painful affect on the body, but a tooth grinder. And I shall remain in pain until next Monday. Oh heck, it's not unbearable--not with the "magic pills" but it's there.
Now another silver lining for today--I get to attend Affair of the Heart w/my BFF & Hank is coming to the house tonight. See why the grinding stops????
Now, you go and have a great weekend and keep the teeth apart!!!