Friday, August 22, 2008

Brick Walls

What is it Randy Pausch said about brick walls? "Brick walls are not there to stop us, but to prove to ourselves how much we want something" (paraphrase) And I have repeated that phrase to others when they dispare. I also love the verse in Philipians "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me". And I have repeated that verse to others to encourage them.

So, why didn't I say it to myself??? Why did I let the words and thoughts of ONE person take away my confidence? Well, BECAUSE I AM HUMAN---just like everyone else on Planet Earth. And when someone dashes our dreams with words, we fall internally. Our hearts sink, the apprehension sets in and we consider ourselves less that able.

So today I am saying HELLO BRICK WALL~~~ WATCH ME SCALE YOU!!!!!

I CAN do this, I CAN succeed. It may take me a bit longer than those who have done this for 15 years, but the ability and desire is strong. And I will progress as best I can. And I will make a success of this. And I will pole vault over that brick wall!!!

I may have to go at a slower success rate at first. I may not be able to tackle their schedule right off the start, but I WON'T back down--I won't give up. And I won't listen to the voices that try to put blocks in my road. I will listen to my inner voice, my resolve, my determination, and I will be a winner!!!!

Road blocks are temporary. My ambition is permanent.

1 comment:

Chery said...

Hey Girl,
Hang in there!!
This is all so exciting!! I'm praying for you!! chery:)