Thursday, February 14, 2008


Bugs are everywhere!!!! I have heard of more people being sick in the past week than I have in a LONG time!! Penny the Queen is in her jammies--and not feeling well at all!! I still have Hank cause daughter dearest is still ill. Last night at church dinner, attendance was down cause so many are ill!!! We gotta get some "bug spray"!! Even hubby spent last week ill. Course, everytime he has a weekend off, he seems to get SOMETHING!!! I think he's allergic to being at home!
I am sooooo excited! The Shabbee Chic is designing a new blog heading & background for me. She sent me a preview last night and girlies, I'm telling you, it is C U T E with a capital C U T E!!!!! I can hardly wait til she gets it all done. You are gonna be impressed! You are gonna be jealous. You are gonna be green with envy!!! She's so creative, check out her blogsite & look at some of the things she's done for her kids!! And for others.
It's supposed to get colder tonight & tomorrow. We keep complaining about it, but, HEY---IT'S FEBRUARY!!!!! I think the "great northern ice storm" pretty much did us in on accepting the weather, but we still have more! It's destiny!!! I kind of like cold weather--cause the clothing covers more!! ha ha ha
I know I haven't written much lately, but I have Hank and am suffering interruptions!!! I'll try to get back later, but it may be tomorrow! And tell you all about my exciting life---????
So, in the meantime, have a wonderful Valentine's Day!!! We have dinner reservations at a neat special place--but this is it's last dinner as it's closing. So, I'll let you know all about it!!


Mosaic*Queen said...

Happy~Happy Valentine's Day!!!
I can't wait to see your new banner!

tommie said...

happpy Valentines Day...can't wait to see your new look.

nene P said...

Banner is cuuuuutte..
im feeling better... it must have been a 24 hr bug!