Friday, May 16, 2008

How Much is that Doggie?????

Another Cake!!!! This one has a special story behind it. A young lady, Jessica, found a dog through our 'no-kill' facility on line and is on her way to pick up the dog. It's also her 13th birthday, so the shelter director is having a mini party for her. Now---the unusual part of this is that Jessica is from NEW JERSEY, and she and her mom have driven all the way to Oklahoma for "Maggie". Isn't that sweet?
Our shelter has only been officially open since January 26 of this year. You see, there was a "pound" in town, and they had to "dispose" of animals after a certain time. Our local city librarian and her son decided this had to be changed. She went on a campaign to build and staff a "no kill" shelter. A true shelter that is a refuge for these animals.
She worked with the city on getting land from them, and getting it under their "umbrella"'; she worked with a local veterinary office to provide services; she worked fundraisers and grants to pay for the facility; she worked with people to enlist volunteers to work the shelter; and she continues to work to provide funds for food, electricity, water, etc., for the shelter. All this and she runs the library full time. And she has 2 sons and 3 grandchildren that she is very active with. And she is Chamber of Commerce president.
She deserves a special place in heaven for her efforts. If any, ANY of you want to donate to a worthy cause, just email me. I would love to have the blogging community share the pride of this facility.
At present I am helping to plan a fundraiser "birthday" dinner for the shelter in January. If you have any ideas that would be useful in any way for this event, please let me know.
I am also working to provide some type of fundraiser that I can contribute on in an on-going way.
I am soooo proud of Miss Susan. If we all took a cause and worked that diligently this would definitely be a better place.
With that said, I'm off to clean out my garage today!!! And tonight is "ya ya girls night out". You just KNOW I will be posting pics!!!

1 comment:

Kari (GrannySkywalker) said...

Great story. What a wonderful person to do all of that! Talk about dedication!