Saturday, May 10, 2008

A Cake Walk on the Wild Side!!!

This is the latest cake I made---my niece's roommate at college had a birthday, her friends cake her a party, and I made the cake. I think it turned out kind of cool!!
Hope you're having a good Mother's Day weekend! Last night my daughter & husband & Hank came to my sister's, we ordered pizza & had a relaxing evening. Tonight I'm taking my mom to the Gaither Homecoming as her gift. She'll absolutely love it!!! It's something she would never do for herself, and I got 3rd row tickets!!! I'm looking forward to that. Tomorrow (Mother's Day) we're going back out to my sister's & grill & eat for the day!!! Lots of family in a short amount of time!!
I'm going to miss a dinner at my in laws tonight :(! Big Daddy's aunt & uncle are in from Idaho, and we don't see them often. I really hate missing this---I just love getting together with his side of the family. They are colorful, warm, loud, opinionated, everything you'd see in a sitcom bunch! It's always alot of fun. I am contributing tho!! I offered to make a BIG pan of lasagne. It's in the oven as we speak, and I'll take it out before leaving for the Gaither's, so at least I'll get to see them.
Every considered how HARD mother's work on THEIR day????? Wouldn't it be nice if, just once, the hubby and kids came together and said "NO WOMEN WILL WORK ON OR FOR THIS DAY" Well, we can dream can't we? Can you imagine being banished from food prep, from anything at all but sitting on your hiney? I can't -- I love my dear family, and they are good at lovin, but at special events, they falter. So, I try to compensate and do for my mom and mother in law what I would like for someone to do for me.
Hey, that's what "do unto others" is all about-right????? If we are aware of what makes our lives special, and we don't give that to someone else, well, we aren't really living the Golden Rule!!! I don't think "do unto others" should exist only in certain arenas. Such as work, or shopping clerks. It should apply to every minute of every day of every week. I really think we only get as good as we give. That's the reward of the earth. When we get to heaven, no one is going to need us to "do unto others" cause we'll be changed to the mind of Christ, and He lived a life like that, so it'll be first nature. The "do unto others" relates to this life. And these people. And this time.
Ok-off the soapbox now!!! Anyhoo---you moms have a great day. Pat yourself on the back for a job well done. Pick up the trash, set out the dishes, and think of how special you are!!! If only in your own thoughts!! No really, just know the hubby and kids love you for who you are, they just aren't equipped to express that. After all~~~they aren't MOMS!!!
Relax at the end of the day!


Shabbee Chick said...

That is adorable! Ca-yute! You are so talented!

Kari (GrannySkywalker) said...

That cake looks YUMM-O! Wild and tasty. What more could you want from a cake? lol