Friday, November 9, 2007

Friday Fill Ins

1. Plans and schedules make my chaotic life so much easier!

2. I'm happy when my kids call or come to visit!

3. The last thing I drank was water.

4. One of the most valuable things in my life is family.

5. I like pepperoni or cheese only on my pizza.

6. Dear November, you are one of my favorite months--here in Oklahoma it's still autumn, and the trees are turning. The hint of December & it's festivities are looking from up ahead!

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I've been to Sam's for church groceries, made chicken enchiladas & two pies for a family dinner tomorrow night; Saturday shopping with my sis & daughter; Sat night family birthday dinner -- 3 in Nov;
Sunday church & dinner with sis & family, and son at St Anthony's Greek Orthodox--Lebanese menu.

But, yea!!! I don't have to be ready til 9:30 in the morning!!!!!

1 comment:

tommie said...

sounds like a fun filled weekend!